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Tosca Lee
Seduced in the Dark (The Dark Duet, #2)
C.J. Roberts

Between Shades of Gray

Between Shades of Gray - Ruta Sepetys Via http://onlectus.blogspot.com/2013/03/between-shades-of-gray-by-ruta-sepetys.htmlUsed to read Holocaust stories, this one about Siberia took me to a similar world of imprisonment that I didn't know about.Lina, a fifteen year old taken from her home to work in the deadly winter of Siberia, tells her story of survival and first love. The story is very similar to that many other story of survival during the Hitler regime: no food, no clothes, no baths, etc. I didn't feel too attached to the characters but I did feel their pain. I found the the little historic background of the Baltic countries very enlightening as I had not read anything on this subject before.I didn't like the long flashbacks via italics in the story. I found them unnecessary and skipped them.A few other details needed more development but all in all this is a short YA story that should engage readers.I also didn't like the abrupt end. Spetys definitely could've elaborated on that. Although at the same time, I can also see that cutting the story short could motivate readers to imagine the rest and it leaves room to create a study guide to use in a classroom.